Monday, April 21, 2014

A to Z Challenge: R is for Rally

Today is day 18 in our 26 day challenge of posting a letter a day for the next 26 days.  Its called the A to Z challenge.  

Today R is for Rally.  

On April 5th Teach and I (along with Randy) traveled to Blacksburg, VA to an obedience/rally competition.  Teach and I were showing in Excellent A and going for our last leg for our Rally Excellent title.  

With his injury and the weather practicing up to the show had been hit or miss, but I'm VERY happy to report that my boy not only received his title that day, but also first place!

My friends were there also to cheer us on so that was great having their support.  And Laura took the video below if you would like to watch it.  Be sure and watch how excited Teach gets to jump ... he would have kept going back over it had I not been able to call him back to me!!  He LOVED to jump ... nothing was hurting on this dog that day! 

We did redo the 3 steps back sign because he was distracted by the lady in the other ring.  

Now we are moving on to regular obedience and would love to find some agility training close by where he seems to LOVE to jump.