Saturday, April 19, 2014

A to Z Challenge: Q is for Quilts

Today is day 17 in our 26 day challenge of posting a letter a day for the next 26 days.  Its called the A to Z challenge.  

Today was a tough one with Q.  But being in my family you always have a Quilt laying around, made by my mom, so it was fitting to have Quilt as our Q letter.

For me, I think quilts are very pretty (and do request some to be made for us), but not something I want to make.  You take a perfectly pretty piece of fabric and cut it all up and then piece it all back together.  Seems like you could just take the one piece of fabric and save LOTS of time!  :-)  All joking aside ... they are useful and pretty.

Here Teach is modeling one made for my cousin.

I call this the Teach quilt because he blends so well.
This quilt mom made to go in our spare bedroom twin bed.

This quilt was made for my youngest cousin.  Her mom colored the Dr. Seuss block and mom created the patter to make it into a quilt for them.

And anyone that saw the M post for Madalynn ... well she has LOTS of quilts already.

These are only a few of them.  I don't think I have pictures of all of the ones she got.

And here is the quilt mom made on our bed and of course Teach likes to get up there and pose.