Thursday, April 24, 2014

A to Z Challenge: U is for Unique

Today is day 21 in our 26 day challenge of posting a letter a day for the next 26 days.  Its called the A to Z challenge.  

U was a tough one but since we get so many questions about what breed of dog Teach is, I thought Unique was appropriate.

There is a t-shirt at Cafe Press that I would love to get to wear around because I've had all these questions.  Had one just last week ... said he was a Collie/Greyhound mix.  LOL!!!

My response is always "No, he is a Smooth Collie. He is just like Lassie only doesn't have all the hair".  Then its like a light bulb goes off and they see he is a Collie.  Everyone knows Lassie so that makes it easier to relate to them.  

I also think where he is a tri color and not a sable/white it also confuses people.  He is unique in our part of the state.