Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A to Z Challenge: N is for New River

Today is day 14 in our 26 day challenge of posting a letter a day for the next 26 days.  Its called the A to Z challenge.  

Today's letter is N.  You can't live and grow up in southern West Virginia and not know about the New River.  The New River originates in North Carolina and flows north through Virginia, into West Virginia.  I have posted many pictures on here with views of the New River.

Overlooking the New River above Thurmond.

Overlooking the New River at Grandview Park
And one of the most famous parts of the New River, is the New River Gorge Bridge.  The largest steel single-pan arch in the western hemisphere.  Was once the largest steel single-span bridge in the world.  At mid-span it is 876 feet above the New River below.  Every October the town of Fayetteville celebrates Bridge Day where they close the bridge and allow BASE jumping off it.  

At the end of Long Point Trail 
Picture of the bridge without Teach in it.