He flew in yesterday from Colorado Springs from Wild Wind Collies. He is out of Ch. Wild Wind's Rev On The Red Line "Flyn" and Ch. Wild Wind's Deuces Are Wild, CD, HSAsd, RA, VA "Deuce".
I'll be honest ... we weren't completely ready for a puppy and had told Shelley we wanted to wait until next year. But things happen for a reason and this little guy became available ... so here he is now.
It was a very stressful day for us yesterday with getting him here from the West. He got on the plane in Colorado at 7:50 their time and was to arrive in Chicago around 11:30 central time. Well his flight had to be diverted to Springfield, IL because of storms and held there for 1/2 hour. So he was about an hour late getting into Chicago. From there he was to leave at 2:30 central time and arrive at 5:20 eastern time in Charlotte. Well he didn't get to Charlotte until about 7:30 and we didn't get him until almost 8:15. We kept checking flight aware as minutes would tick by and his flight kept getting delayed.
Randy and I decided to head to Wal-Mart to buy cleaning supplies because I knew he would be a mess. He was in the crate for over 12 hours. That is a very long time for a 12 week old puppy. Surprisingly he wasn't that bad and came out of the crate wiggling and wanting to pay. Completely unfazed. We got home last night with him after midnight, played for about an hour and then went to bed. He cried for 2 minutes then never heard a peep out of him. Slept through the night and no accidents.
So Teach now has a little brother and I do think they both are going to get along just great!
Tucker also got to meet his little cousin, Madalynn. She is only 3 weeks younger than him. Its going to be so much fun to see those two grow up together.
Its going to be fun to see this new adventure unfold and become a multi-dog family.